Monday, September 28, 2015

Coercion by Tim Tigner
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Thomas & Mercer (July 7, 2015)
Genre: Thriller
Source: Author via TLC Book Tours for an honest review

The phone rings and the offer is made, leaving you only seconds to decide. Betray your country, or watch your family drop dead before your eyes.

After the Iron Curtain’s collapse, Russia appears to be finished as a superpower. But KGB general Vasily Karpov is secretly working to restore Russia’s status by forcing Americans into traitorous acts of espionage and sabotage, with the aid of a new secret weapon. Meanwhile, his biggest target is within Russia, where Karpov is plotting to capture the Kremlin for himself.

Former US soldier and spy Alex Ferris becomes the first to fathom Karpov’s grand plans. Racing from San Francisco to Siberia, Alex must elude ambushes, assassins, and death from exposure as he wages a one-man war against a growing global threat and the resurgence of the Soviets.

“Tim Tigner is a masterful storyteller with a nose for intrigue and a careful eye for historical detail. Set in the aftermath of the collapse of the Iron Curtain, his latest book, “Coercion,” is a compelling tale of espionage and betrayal, one that will leave its readers wanting more.”  — James A. Baker, III, 61st U.S. Secretary of State

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My Take:

Coercion by Tim Tigner is a fast-paced spy thriller that grabs the reader's attention quickly and holds it to the end. There are many characters to follow, but the protagonist is Alex Ferris, who had formerly been in Special Forces and  intelligence and now is an International Private Investigator who is investigating his twin's suspicious death.  The death of his twin winds up being far more than he had imagined and leads him on an international quest for answers.

I was pulled into the story from the start and only hit a few snags at first in trying to keep all the characters straight. There is a handy cast of characters in the front of the book for those who need it, but for readers like me who forget it is there, just keep reading - the author is very good at giving all the necessary clues to figure out who is who. Once I got a few chapters into the book, I no longer had that problem though.

Coercion has pretty much everything needed for a very fun and exciting spy thriller. The hero is smart and dashing and is always ready for whatever is thrown his way. The villains are really, really  bad, but there is plenty there to make them interesting and not too cliche. The methods, technology, and the  vehicle for their ability to coerce strategic people to do their bidding is ingenious and evil --- the stuff of nightmares, really -- so the reader is really hoping for Alex to succeed in stopping these people.

It seems pretty evident from the novel itself and the author bio that the author has an intensive knowledge of science and international politics and the topography of Russia. This really helps to set the story up and maintains its authentic feel.

I did like that there is back story that helps to explain how certain people got to where they are, but I especially liked the twists and turns the story takes. There are a couple of big ones. 

I really enjoyed Coercion and thought it was a great thriller. I think that Coercion will appeal to a pretty wide range of readers, especially those who like international intrigue and spy thrillers. 

About Tim Tigner
Tim began his career in Soviet Counterintelligence with the US Army Special forces, the Green Berets. With the fall of the Berlin Wall, Tim switched from espionage to arbitrage. Armed with a Wharton MA rather than a Colt M16, he moved to Moscow in the midst of Perestroika. There he lead prominent multinational medical companies, worked with cosmonauts on the MIR Space Station (from Earth, alas), chaired the Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, and helped write Russia’s first law on healthcare.

Moving to Brussels during the formation of the EU, Tim ran Europe, Middle East, and Africa for a Johnson & Johnson company and traveled like a character in a Robert Ludlum book. He eventually landed in Silicon Valley, where like minds with wild ideas come to congregate around the creation of (nightmares and) dreams. Now he launches new medical technologies as a startup CEO, and devises devious devices for fictional characters who aim to change the world.

Tim grew up in the Midwest and Europe, earning a BA from Hanover College and then a MBA in Finance and a MA in International Studies from the University of Pennsylvania. He now lives with his wife Elena and their two daughters in Northern California.

Please visit for a free eBook. You’re also welcome to reach Tim directly at

Tim Tigner’s TLC Book Tours TOUR STOPS:
Friday, August 28th: 5 Minutes for Books

Monday, August 31st: BookBub Blog – author guest post – “Eleven Thrillers We’d Kill to See on the Silver Screen”

Wednesday, September 2nd: It’s a Mad Mad World

Thursday, September 3rd: Mallory Heart Reviews

Wednesday, September 9th: BooksChatter – author Q&A

Wednesday, September 9th: BooksChatter – excerpt

Thursday, September 10th: Patricia’s Wisdom

Friday, September 11th: Mockingbird Hill Cottage

Monday, September 14th: Tales of a Book Addict

Tuesday, September 15th: Fictionophile

Tuesday, September 15th: Building Bookshelves

Thursday, September 17th: Life is Story

Friday, September 18th: The World As I See It

Thursday, September 24th: SJ2B House of Books Blog

Thursday, September 24th: Lazy Day Books

Monday, September 28th: A Book Geek

Monday, September 21, 2015

Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy Blog Tour and Review

Liar Temptress Soldier SpyLiar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy by Karen Abbott
Paperback: 544 pages 
Publisher: Harper Perennial (September 8, 2015)
Genre: Nonfiction, historical
Source: Publisher via TLC Book Tours for an honest review

New York Times bestselling author Karen Abbott tells the spellbinding true story of four women who risked everything during the Civil War.

Seventeen-year-old Belle Boyd, an avowed rebel with a dangerous temper, shot a Union soldier in her home and became a courier and spy for the Confederate army, using her considerable charms to seduce men on both sides. Emma Edmonds disguised herself as a man to enlist as a Union private named Frank Thompson, witnessing the bloodiest battles of the war and infiltrating enemy lines. The beautiful widow Rose O'Neal Greenhow engaged in affairs with powerful Northern politicians and used her young daughter to send information to Southern generals. Elizabeth Van Lew, a wealthy Richmond abolitionist, hid behind her proper Southern manners as she orchestrated a far-reaching espionage ring—even placing a former slave inside the Confederate White House—right under the noses of increasingly suspicious rebel detectives.

With a cast of real-life characters, including Nathaniel Hawthorne, General Stonewall Jackson, Detective Allan Pinkerton, Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln, and Emperor Napoléon III, Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy shines a dramatic new light on these daring—and, until now, unsung—heroines.

 Book clubs will be happy to know there's a reader's guide. Also, learn more about the characters in the book at Experience the Past.


"Gripping... Meticulously researched and fluidly written, this book draws the reader in and doesn't let go until the four heroines draw their final breaths... a remarkable story of passion, strength, and resilience." (Publishers Weekly, starred review)

"Riveting... a highly entertaining narrative with the pace and tone of a novel... this fresh perspective on what is perhaps a familiar story will cause readers to ponder the fine line between traitors and patriots." (Library Journal, best book of 2014)

"Abbott makes it look easy, weaving together four women's stories—from a society woman who used her position to steal and share secrets, to a cross-dressing soldier in the war—in order to write a history of the Civil War through the eyes of women who did extraordinary things... wildly entertaining, with a page-turner narrative." (Flavorwire, best book of 2014)

"George Smiley's got nothing on the abolitionist spinster, widowed seductress, cross-dressing soldier and murderous teenager featured in this true tale of espionage." (O, the Oprah magazine, top ten book for fall 2014)

 “Karen Abbott’s Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy is the kind of page-turning book you can get so absorbed in that you keep forgetting it’s nonfiction.” (

My Take:

I have always been interested in the Civil War and have read several historical novels and some nonfiction on the topic. Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy is a rather unique and extremely interesting historical nonfiction book about four independent, driven and dedicated women who played important roles on both sides of the conflict.

I really like that the book progresses through time and interweaves the different women's stories as they progress. The reader is able to follow the war and the roles the women played and how they interacted with important historical figures.

While I sympathized and related more to Emma Edmonds and Elizabeth Van Lew more than Belle Boyd and Rose O'Neal Greenhow, I was still very much interested in all the women's stories. I have read brief pieces about women who dressed as men and fought in the war, but hadn't read such an in depth history of such a woman until I read about Emma. Belle's story was probably the most concerning because she seemed to be the most unstable of the women. Each followed her belief that the path she chose was right for her. I have to admire that - whether I agree with their beliefs and  actions or not.

I enjoyed the way the author included quotes from diaries and correspondence as well as news accounts within the narrative. This really helped to set the mood and tone for the time.

I think that Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy would make a great selection for a book club and I am seriously thinking of adding it to our homeschool curriculum for American History. While Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy is nonfiction, it reads almost as fiction - fast paced, riveting, exciting and very enjoyable to read.  This is one of those books that I will definitely be recommending to friends and history fans. I would also consider it a great selection for women's studies.

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Karen AbbottAbout Karen Abbott

Karen Abbott is the New York Times bestselling author of Sin in the Second City, American Rose, and, most recently, Liar Temptress Soldier Spy, which was named one of the best books of 2014 by Library Journal, the Christian Science Monitor, Amazon, and Flavorwire, and which was optioned by Sony for a miniseries. A native of Philadelphia, she now lives in New York City, where she's at work on her next book. Find out more about Karen at her website.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Pop Goes the Weasel - Review

Pop Goes the Weasel by M.J. Arlidge
Publication date: October 6, 2015 
Publisher: NAL
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Source: Publisher via NetGalley for an honest review


From the international bestselling author of Eeny Meeny comes the second thriller in the “truly excellent series”* featuring Detective Helen Grace.

A man's body is found in an empty house. 
A gruesome memento of his murder is sent to his wife and children.

He is the first victim, and Detective Helen Grace knows he will not be the last. But why would a happily married man be this far from home in the dead of night?

The media call it Jack the Ripper in reverse: a serial killer preying on family men who lead hidden double lives.

Helen can sense the fury behind the murders. But what she cannot possibly predict is how volatile this killer is—or what is waiting for her at the end of the chase....

My Take:

Pop Goes the Weasel is the second book with Detective Helen Grace and while I haven't read the first book, all necessary information was provided within the second book so that I didn't feel lost while reading. I am however, sufficiently impressed with the character and the story telling to want to go back and read the first book.

Helen Grace is a brilliant, dedicated detective and a very troubled woman. There are things in her past that still haunt her and she has a hard time dealing with her emotional issues. She is also the most perceptive and intelligent detective and some people just don't like that kind of competition. While she is trying to solve a gruesome series of murders, she faces conflicts within the police force and resistance to her methods.Helen Grace is a compelling character and I was pulled in to her personal struggle and the hunt for the killer.

The murder mystery itself is gruesome and very interesting --- in a reverse of a classic murder theme, the men frequenting prostitutes are the ones being killed in very horrible ways. I enjoyed the way the story unfolded with  gradual glimpses given of the murderer, the victims, and the others involved in the investigation.  It was very well done and kept teasing answers but didn't give too much away.

Since I read a digital galley, I wasn't too critical of the formatting issues in the galley. However, if it were a final digital edition, I would be disappointed with the formatting which tended to lack breaks in the text for location/character changes.

Having addressed the formatting, I have to stress that I was thoroughly caught up in the mystery and read the book in a day. I would definitely recommend Pop Goes the Weasel to anyone who enjoys mysteries and/or thrillers. I will be obtaining a copy of the first Helen Grace book as well.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Hidden Hills Saga: Ice Whispers Blog Tour and Review

02_Ice WhispersThe Hidden Hills Saga: Ice Whispers (Book I) by K. Willow

Print Pub Date: November 21, 2014 | CreateSpace eBook Pub Date: December 19, 2014 | Book Baby
Genre: Historical Fiction
Source: Publisher/Author via Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for an honest review

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Slavery of a different kind, beyond physical chains, leads to a different type of escape . . .

 Marissa Kristofferson can taste freedom. Her long years of suffering at the hands of her sadistic husband, Lance, are coming to an end as he lies dying. But she is stunned when he reveals the contents of his will and what she must do to keep Kristofferson Plantation, and how he plans to keep her bound to him even beyond the grave.

 The beautiful slave Lolley has always envied Marissa’s life, and after learning that the master has also ordered her freed after his death, she is determined to reach for the life she wants by becoming the mistress of Marissa’s son, Shane, though she does not realize the lengths Marissa will go to to prevent the match, or the far-reaching consequences that will follow.

And Shelby, the plain and dutiful slave of free blacks, is unwittingly caught in the shocking drama that unfolds as a family is torn apart. Used as a pawn in a game of rivalry, deception, and betrayal, hers is a fight for survival while attempting to remain true to herself.

 Three women—so very different but each carrying dark secrets that are closely intertwined, caught in a world between slave and free, a world which is becoming more fragile and precarious as war threatens and alliances shift, and each harboring seemingly impossible dreams of a better future.

 In this first book of a dark historical saga, K. Willow paints a lush, emotional portrait of scandal, murder, injustice, and the ties that bind in the antebellum South.



“K. Willow’s historical novel, Ice Whispers, book one of The Hidden Hills Saga, is breathtaking beautiful and stunningly sad all at the same time. It’s really the story of two women, Agatha and Shelby, who are slaves in the Kristofferson and Franklin households respectively. They’re both amazingly strong, selfless and wise women who come from two succeeding generations of slaves. While all the drama and action in the tale revolves around the Kristoffersons and the Franklins, it was the story of those two larger-than-life women that kept me enthralled. Willow adroitly uses them as a lens for the reader to view the affairs in Hidden Hills, and it works magnificently. I just finished reading Ice Whispers, and I’m totally floored by this work. It’s marvelous and is very highly recommended.” -Jack Magnus for Readers’ Favorite

“Part historical romance, part mystery, K. Willow’s book Ice Whispers is an entertaining and immersive read. Readers get to take the role of the voyeur as they explore the inner workings of the Hidden Hills society. Every member of the town has a role that they play, but each has their own secrets that they are trying to keep hidden. Willow’s novel is a quick and fun read that is full of vibrant characters. It is the perfect book for those who like to be in the know of the juiciest gossip or those who enjoy the drama of the workings of high society in mid-1800s America. I thoroughly enjoyed Ice Whispers, and I hope I get the opportunity to read more of Willow’s Hidden Hills novels.” -Tania Staley for Readers’ Favorite

My Take: 

I wasn't sure what to expect from Ice Whispers, but from the beginning this novel had a different tone from most historical fiction that I have read taking place in the antebellum South.  The main characters are female - Marissa, the wife to a large plantation owner, Lolley, a beautiful and somewhat sheltered house slave and Shelby, the plain, obedient and pragmatic slave of a free black family. While two of the women are actual slaves, Marissa endures her own kind of prison as her dying husband continues to dictate her life even from beyond the grave.

I have to give K. Willow credit for intriguing me from the start. It was quite evident that there were secrets, plans, and deceptions that hadn't been revealed yet, but the anticipation was there. Marissa is an interesting character and since this is the only the first book in the series, I am guessing there is much more to find out about her past and her plans for the future.

Lolley is a difficult woman to figure out. She is a beautiful slave who feels that she has a chance at something better and won't stop until she attains it. She is also quite capable in dealing with people even if she isn't all that adept at her work. Lolley is definitely a schemer and I anticipate that she has some pretty interesting plans.

Poor Shelby just tries to be a good slave. She appreciates that her situation with the Franklins is pretty good considering what some of the alternatives are. She is even proud to be a slave of free blacks who are making a fine living for themselves in the South. Unfortunately for her she hasn't thought about striving for something different or for more and is taken by surprise when events seem to spiral out of control and she is stuck right in the middle.

I confess that I was a bit put out when I got to the end of the book -- because I didn't have the next book! I am interested and a little anxious to see what happens next. Ice Whispers is a fast, easy and very interesting read and I look forward to reading more in the series.


03_K WillowK. Willow is a novelist and award-winning writer with a background in television, film, theatre, and soap operas. She writes dark historical and urban fantasy and lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband.



Monday, August 31
Spotlight at The Lit Bitch

Tuesday, September 1
Review at History From a Woman's Perspective

Wednesday, September 2
Review at A Book Geek

Friday, September 4
Review at Book Nerd

Tuesday, September 8
Guest Post at Shelf Full of Books

Wednesday, September 9
Spotlight at A Literary Vacation

Thursday, September 10
Review at With Her Nose Stuck in a Book

Friday, September 11
Review at Queen of All She Reads

Saturday, September 12
Review at A Fold in the Spine

Sunday, September 13
Interview at A Fold in the Spine

Monday, September 14
Review & Guest Post at Jorie Loves a Story

Wednesday, September 16
Review, Interview & Giveaway at Singing Librarian Books

Thursday, September 17
Spotlight at CelticLady's Reviews

Friday, September 18
Tour Wrap-Up & Giveaway at Passages to the Past

04_Ice Whispers_Blog Tour Banner_FINAL

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Decorum Blog Tour and Review

02_DecorumDecorum: A Novel by Kaaren Christopherson

Publication Date: March 31, 2015 Kensington Publishing Corp. 
Foramts: eBook, Paperback, Audio Pages: 425 
Genre: Historical Fiction/Romance
Source: Publisher for an honest review

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 Kaaren Christopherson's brilliantly observed novel captures the glamour and grit of one of the world's most dazzling cities during one of its most tumultuous eras--as seen through the eyes of a singularly captivating heroine...

In 1890s New York, beautiful, wealthy Francesca Lund is an intriguing prospect for worthy suitors and fortune hunters alike. Recently orphaned, she copes by working with the poor in the city's settlement movement. But a young woman of means can't shun society for long, and Francesca's long-standing acquaintance with dashing Edmund Tracey eventually leads to engagement. Yet her sheltered upbringing doesn't blind her to the indiscretions of the well-to-do...

 Among the fashionable circle that gathers around her there are mistresses, scandals, and gentlemen of ruthless ambition. And there is Connor O'Casey--an entirely new kind of New Yorker. A self-made millionaire of Irish stock, Connor wants more than riches. He wants to create a legacy in the form of a luxury Madison Avenue hotel--and he wants Francesca by his side as he does it. In a quest that will take her from impeccable Manhattan salons to the wild Canadian Rockies, Francesca must choose not only between two vastly different men, but between convention and her own emerging self-reliance.

Rules Of Decorum

A gentleman should not be presented to a lady without her permission being previously asked and granted. This formality is not necessary between men alone; but, still, you should not present any one, even at his own request, to another, unless you are quite well assured that the acquaintance will be agreeable to the latter.

 If you wish to avoid the company of any one that has been properly introduced, satisfy your own mind that your reasons are correct; and then let no inducement cause you to shrink from treating him with respect, at the same time shunning his company. No gentleman will thus be able either to blame or mistake you.

The mode in which the avowal of love should be made, must of course, depend upon circumstances. It would be impossible to indicate the style in which the matter should be told... Let it, however, be taken as a rule that an interview is best; but let it be remembered that all rules have exceptions...


“Reminiscent of Washington Square but with a more modern heroine, Decorum illuminates the dark world beneath New York society. …” - RT Book Review, 4 stars

 “Christopherson provides the reader with a fully-realized world of brazen and aspiring women, ambitious men and strict expectations regarding how to conduct one's private and/or social life. The characters are so beautifully drawn that I felt like I could start casting the mini-series the minute I put the book down. And, this book would make a wonderful TV series with settings ranging from early New York City to the Canadian Rockies. …I loved every minute.” - Nancy, Goodreads reviewer 

“…the novel is remarkable in its similarities to the work of Edith Wharton. The reader feels drawn into a world of glamour, glitz, and supreme hypocrisy. Everything is permissible as long as one does not get caught. It is a drama of manners and the stakes are high—one misstep could mean social oblivion. … This novel will appeal to a wide range of readers, particularly those who enjoy period novels such as Age of Innocence and The Portrait of a Lady." - The Historical Novel Society

 “New York, 1890, and the glitz and glamor of the time and setting, are the backdrop for this novel about a young heiress who suddenly finds herself alone in the world. I loved how each chapter began with a rule of etiquette based upon the societal norms of the time. The story gave me a glimpse of what it would have been like to live among the wealthiest and most prominent citizens. Of course, all is not perfect, for the heroine must maneuver her way through treachery, greed, and scandal to find which of the two men in her life is her true love. I thoroughly enjoyed how the characters interacted, and how authentic they felt to me. Lots of wonderfully rich descriptions of places and gowns really brought the era to life. … I definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys New York in the Gilded Age. A good historical read!” - Mirella Patzer, Historical Novel Review

 ”A fantastically engaging book with everything you need for a really good read, probably best summed up as the American Downton Abbey meets Jane Austen. It starts a little slowly, but when it gets going, it really is difficult to put down.

 The plot and the various subplots are fascinating, with so many twists and turns, it never stops weaving a new thread. You constantly feel that the story will be coming to an end, but then there is more... and more... and more.

 The characters are well-developed, credible and, though not always likeable, possessing some magical quality that makes us feel like we know them so well. The central character manages to make herself someone to admire and someone we almost want to dismiss at the same time, whilst she metamorphoses throughout the novel, constantly changing on her journey of discovery. She presents a sense of strength and courage as she is faced with the most heart-wrenching and, often, downright embarrassing situations, yet she wins through in the end, despite overwhelming odds against a woman at this time.

 Throughout the novel, there is a quality that makes it feel like a movie—and this would make an excellent movie, without a doubt. The pace is just right and it keeps you gripped until the end. Excellently written and a thoroughly enjoyable read.” - Annemarie Macken, Goodreads review

 "In this remarkable first novel, Christopherson takes us back to 1890s New York -- to tell a tale so pitch perfect it hurts. Bridging the divide between historical fiction and literary fiction, the story of the rising immigrant Connor and the unlikely pairing with orphaned socialite/settlement house worker Francesca is beset with conflict from her devious fiance Tracy, Connor's lover the scandalous Blanche and Francesca's meddling guardians the Jeromes. Some of the most gorgeous scenes are set in an art warehouse examining paintings that have just arrived from Paris, a hat shop, a delightful tea house and of course, tangled in the bedsheets! Between murder, trials, and lies, this tale takes us to Argentina and Louisiana, Ireland and Chicago, the lower east side to the upper west side and finally to a real resort in Banff Canada where our unlikely pair will finally get a chance. Or will they?" - Booksmart, Amazon review

My Take:

Decorum by Kaaren Christopherson is a well written, very detailed historical novel which takes place in 1890's New York. While it is historical fiction, it really reads more like a literary work from the time period --- the story takes a while to grab the reader's attention, but the accuracy and detail are worth the effort. Once the characters are set up and the context of each story line is established, the novel really takes off.

I enjoyed the attention to detail and the historical and societal accuracy within the novel. Although it did take me a while to really get into the book, once I did, I was very much invested in the characters and the outcome of the various problems, deceptions, plots, revenges and obstacles. 

There are several important and intriguing characters to follow and their stories are all intertwined. Francesca is the main protagonist, but her friends are extremely important to the story as well. Poor Francesca is orphaned and must deal with her grief while also navigating an overprotective guardian and the advances of an overzealous and unscrupulous suitor. While she is well off and would never want for material things, she is still vulnerable to deception and the influence of others.

Connor O'Casey provides a nice contrasting character, as a self-made millionaire among the men of family fortunes trying to make a name and place for himself. There are so many other colorful and interesting characters in addition to these two. I couldn't discuss all of them here, but I enjoyed learning about each one as the novel progressed. 

I think that Decorum would appeal to readers of literary historical fiction, those interested in the Gilded Age and New York society. 


03_Kaaren ChristophersonKaaren Christopherson is the author of Decorum—a novel about Gilded Age New York—that began taking form in 1999 during a course on writing historical fiction. From that moment, Connor O’Casey (who had been rattling around in her brain for months) finally appeared one night and said, “All right, woman. Here I am. What are you going to do about my story?” So she began to put his words on paper, and he hasn’t kept quiet since. Soon Francesca, Blanche, Tracey, Vinnie, and the rest of the characters began arguing, gossiping, loving, and forming themselves into Kaaren’s first novel.

 Kaaren has had a professional career writing and editing for over 30 years and is a senior editor for an international development nonprofit organization in Washington, DC.

 She has written fiction since her school days, story poems, children’s books, historical fiction, and time travel, and continues to be active in writer’s groups and writing workshops. In addition to her career as a writer, Kaaren was the owner of a decorative painting business. She loves to travel and prowl through historical sites, galleries, and museums. She is active in several churches in DC and in her local Northern Virginia community, where she shares her home with feline brothers, Archie and Sammy.

 A Michigan native, Kaaren received her BA in history and art and her MA in educational administration from Central Michigan University in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.

 For more information visit Kaaren Christopherson's website. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.


Monday, August 24
Review at Bookish
Spotlight at The Lit Bitch

Wednesday, August 26
Review, Guest Post, and Giveaway at History Undressed

Thursday, August 27
Spotlight at Passages to the Past

Friday, August 28
Review at Book Nerd

Monday, August 31
Review at Book Lovers Paradise

Tuesday, September 1
Review at A Book Geek
Spotlight & Giveaway at Unshelfish

Wednesday, September 2
Review at A Bookish Affair

Thursday, September 3
Guest Post & Giveaway at A Bookish Affair

Friday, September 4
Review & Giveaway at View From the Birdhouse
Spotlight at The Never-Ending Book

Monday, September 7
Review at I'm Shelf-ish
Interview & Giveaway at Let Them Read Books

Tuesday, September 8
Spotlight at CelticLady's Reviews

Wednesday, September 9
Review at Queen of All She Reads
Spotlight at Please Pass the Books

Thursday, September 10
Spotlight at Svetlana's Reads and Views

Friday, September 11
Interview & Giveaway at The Bookdragon
Spotlight at So Many Books, So Little Time

Monday, September 14
Review at Griperang's Bookmarks

Tuesday, September 15
Review at With Her Nose Stuck in a Book
Guest Post at Books and Benches

Wednesday, September 16
Spotlight & Giveaway at Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus More

Thursday, September 17
Review at Kinx's Book Nook
Spotlight at A Literary Vacation

Friday, September 18
Review at Jorie Loves a Story
Review at Just One More Chapter
Review at To Read, or Not to Read

04_Decorum_Blog Tour Banner_FINAL

A Man of Honor Blog Tour and Review

  A Man of Honor, or Horatio's Confessions by J.A. Nelson Publication Date: December 9, 2019 Quill Point Press Paperback, eBook & ...