Friday, July 21, 2017

The Child Blog tour and Review

The Child by Fiona Barton
Publication date: June 27, 2017
Publisher: Berkley Books
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Source: Publisher for an honest review


As an old house is demolished in a gentrifying section of London, a workman discovers a tiny skeleton, buried for years. For journalist Kate Waters, it s a story that deserves attention. She cobbles together a piece for her newspaper, but at a loss for answers, she can only pose a question: Who is the Building Site Baby? 

As Kate investigates, she unearths connections to a crime that rocked the city decades earlier: A newborn baby was stolen from the maternity ward in a local hospital and was never found. Her heartbroken parents were left devastated by the loss. 

But there is more to the story, and Kate is drawn house by house into the pasts of the people who once lived in this neighborhood that has given up its greatest mystery. And she soon finds herself the keeper of unexpected secrets that erupt in the lives of three women and torn between what she can and cannot tell.

My Take:

When I heard Fiona Barton had a new book coming out, I was eager to read it because  I loved The Widow so much. Let's begin by stating that The Child did not disappoint. I have figured out that Barton is a smart and twisty author. I love the complexity and pacing of her writing.

In The Child, Kate Waters is trying to remain relevant and compete with the youngsters writing the online content for the paper. She is having a difficult time adjusting to the 24/7 news cycle of the internet and isn't particularly happy with some of the quality of what is being put out there. She still wants the old-school story about real news that requires actual research and skill - not just fluff.

When she spots a small write up about the tiny skeleton uncovered at a building site, she knows there is much more to this, and she won't stop until she figures it out.

The reader is also introduced to Emma and Angela - each has a strong emotional reaction to the small write up about the skeleton being found. It is a slow and complex process to find out what each of the women's past trauma is. As always, Barton creates characters that I found to be interesting and sympathetic. I really like that the reader gets to follow Kate as she slowly works through all the leads and dead-ends to pull all the pieces together. There are major plot twists and surprises along to way. 

As usual, Kate is the catalyst for the unraveling of secrets and sins and long-buried pain. The way the mysteries unfold was very enjoyable to read  - especially since I felt that justice was served in the end.  While I did guess one of the big reveals, that didn't deter from my enjoyment because  I was so anxious to see just how it was going to happen. 

I really enjoyed The Child and have been recommending it to everyone. I try to avoid giving too much of a description since half the fun of reading one of Barton's books is just reading with no idea of what to expect -- because she is great at keeping the reader on their toes.


This summer FIONA BARTON is back with a second novel that proves lightning can strike twice.

Barton’s 2016 debut, The Widow, was an instant global bestseller, captivating readers around the world and settingthe publishing industry abuzz.

The highly-anticipated release of THE CHILD (Berkley Hardcover; June 27, 2017) reaffirms Barton’s growing reputation as a writer of rich, character-driven suspense novels. Like Tana French, Louise Penny, and Megan Abbott, Barton’s stories do more than thrill: they explore the complexities of a changing world.

The Widow delved into the secrets that exist within a marriage and the reporter’s role as voyeur.  Here Barton continues to mine those themes. THE CHILD tackles the 24/7 news cycle, and lays bare the intricacies of a different but equally fascinating relationship—mother and child.

Though THE CHILD delivers an evocative look at the changing face of journalism, and a delicious plot twist, it isthe characters’ haunting and rich emotional lives that set Barton apart and confirm her stature as a crime novelist of the first order.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Madeleine Project Blog Tour and Review with giveaway

Clara Beaudoux

on Tour July 12-18 with

Madeleine Project-Cover

The Madeleine Project
 Release date: September 12, 2017 at New Vessel Press
ISBN: 978-1939931498 288 pages


A young woman moves into a Paris apartment and discovers a storage room filled with the belongings of the previous owner, a certain Madeleine who died in her late nineties, and whose treasured possessions nobody seems to want. In an audacious act of journalism driven by personal curiosity and humane tenderness, Clara Beaudoux embarks on The Madeleine Project, documenting what she finds on Twitter with text and photographs, introducing the world to an unsung 20th century figure. Along the way, she uncovers a Parisian life indelibly marked by European history. This is a graphic novel for the Twitter age, a true story that encapsulates one woman’s attempt to live a life of love and meaning together with a contemporary quest to prevent that existence from slipping into oblivion. Through it all, The Madeleine Project movingly chronicles, and allows us to reconstruct, intimate memories of a bygone era.

My Take:

The Madeleine Project is a unique and pretty cool idea for a book. The Madeleine Project actually began as a project that the author, Clara Beaudoux, embarked upon when she discovered boxes and suitcases full of photos and documents and the various items collected and left behind by the previous tenant of her apartment in Paris. The previous tenant - the Madeleine referred to in the title - had died and her next of kin didn't want any of the stuff she left behind. Beaudoux began going through the accumulated possessions and tweeted pictures and comments on what she found. The book is the compilation of her tweets and her research and interviews about Madeleine.

Since a good part of the book is simply her tweets with the photos and her comments, reading the book is quite fast and easy. However, I found that despite the brevity of the text, the project haunted my thoughts. The slow discovery of pieces of an individual's life is intriguing, poignant, and beautiful. 

The project was a wonderful example of trying to piece together the story of someone's life from the objects they left behind. Some of the items were a mystery as to their function, some make the author question why Madeleine would save such an item, some items had historical significance, but all of the items uncovered work together to paint a snapshot of a life.The project demonstrates that we all have stories to tell and while our lives may seem ordinary and mundane, there is always something that  may intrigue and show that we are all very similar in the end.

I think the beauty of this book and the Madeleine Project itself is how people were drawn in to the mystery of one seemingly simple and ordinary life.  Madeleine had dreams and plans and love and Beaudoux is keeping her memory alive through this lovely project. Reading this book made me consider how and why I keep some of the things that I keep. 

Madeleine Project-BeaudouxABOUT THE AUTHOR

Clara Beaudoux is a Paris-based journalist for the France Info news network. The Madeleine Project has been wildly popular in France. You can follow her on Twitter at @Clarabdx

In French: on Facebook, The Madeleine Project page, and the author’s main website

Follow New Vessel Press on Twitter | on Facebook
Sign up to receive their latest news and deals.

Buy the book: on Indiebound | on Amazon


You can enter the global giveaway here or on any other book blogs participating in this tour. Be sure to follow each participant on Twitter/Facebook, they are listed in the entry form below.

Enter here

Visit each blogger on the tour: tweeting about the giveaway everyday of the Tour will give you 5 extra entries each time! [just follow the directions on the entry-form] Global giveaway open to all 5 winners



Madeleine Project-BannerSave

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Infinity Blog Tour and Review

Book Details:

Book Title: Infinity by Tabitha Lord
Category: Adult Fiction, 304 pages
Genre: Science Fiction, Space Opera
Publisher: Wise Ink Creative Publishing
Release date: June 6, 2017
Tour dates: May 22 to July 14, 2017
Content Rating: PG-13 + M (violence, non-explicit sex, language)

Book Description:

In the second installment of the award-winning Horizon series, Dr. Caeli Crys returns to her war-torn world to fight for those she left behind.

Almagest, Caeli’s home, stands on the brink of revolution. Long hidden from the rest of the galaxy, the once-peaceful planet suffers under a regime that grows more violent and oppressive by the day. Marcus, Almagest’s dictator, is building an arsenal of alien weaponry by selling empathic children into slavery. A resistance has risen, but they are outmanned, outgunned, and in hiding.

Joined by Commander Derek Markham and his elite squadron of operatives, Caeli embarks on a dangerous mission to find the Resistance, rescue her captive people, and save her civilization from destruction.

My Take:

In the second book in the Horizon series, the reader catches up with Caeli and Derek after they have left Almagest and Caeli has settled in a bit with Derek's family. She has returned to her work as a doctor and things feel safe for her. Of course that can't last.

It soon becomes apparent that Almagest is in great peril and Derek and his crew head back to try to stop Marcus from selling empathic children into slavery and protect the planet from outside influence and exploitation.

Infinity is just as exciting as Horizon - with lots of factions and battles and intrigues. But the thing I enjoyed the most was learning more about the history of the planet and its civilization and how they ended up where they are. The history was fascinating and I am looking forward to finding out more.

One of the aspects of the novel that really resonated with me was the idea of the downfall of a whole civilization due to the decisions of a few powerful and devious people. This concept isn't really new, but it felt fresh and especially important as handled by Tabitha Lord in Infinity. I am very much looking forward to reading the next installment in the Horizon series. I can't wait to see where the story goes and what happens to Caeli and Almagest. As with Horizon, I will be suggesting Infinity to my friends and anyone who likes science fiction.

Buy the Book:

Meet the Author:

Tabitha currently lives in Rhode Island. She is married, has four great kids, two spoiled cats, and lovable lab mix. Her degree is in Classics from College of the Holy Cross and she taught Latin for years at an independent Waldorf school, where she now serves on the Board of Trustees.

Tabitha’s debut novel, Horizon, won the Writer’s Digest Grand Prize for Self-Published Fiction in 2016, and was named finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards and National Indie Excellence Awards. Infinity, the second book in the Horizon series, will be released in June 2017. Her short story “Homecoming” appears in the anthology Sirens, edited by Rhonda Parrish and published by World Weaver Press, and was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She is also a senior editor for

Visit her blog at where she discusses favorite topics including parenting, teaching, and her writing journey.

Connect with Tabitha: Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Pinterest ~ Instagram


May 22 - Working Mommy Journal - review of Horizon / giveaway
May 22 - To Be Read - review of Horizon
May 23 - Working Mommy Journal - review of Infinity / giveaway
May 24 - 411 on Books, Authors and Publishing News - spotlight / guest post/giveaway
May 25 - Bound 4 Escape - review of Horizon / giveaway
May 26 - Cheryl' Book Nook - review of Horizon / author interview / giveaway
May 29 - Book review nature photos and everything in between - review of Horizon
May 30 - Library of Clean Reads - review of Horizon / giveaway
May 31 - Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf - review of Horizon / giveaway
May 31 - Lisa Loves Literature - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
June 1   - A Mama's Corner of the World - review on Horizon
June 2   - A Mama's Corner of the World - review on Infinity
June 5   - Haddie's Haven - review of Horizon / guest post / giveaway
June 6   - The Autistic Gamer - review of Horizon
June 7   - The Autistic Gamer - review of Infinity
June 8   - Library of Clean Reads - review of Horizon / giveaway
June 9   - Cheryl' Book Nook - review of Infinity / giveaway
June 12 - To Be Read - review of Infinity
June 12 - Deal Sharing Aunt - review of Horizon / giveaway
June 13 - Haddie's Haven - review of Infinity / giveaway
June 14 - Mystery Suspense Reviews - review of Horizon
June 15 - Bound 4 Escape - review of Infinity / giveaway
June 16 - 100 Pages A Day - review of Horizon / guest post / giveaway
June 19 - Elsie's Audiobook Digest - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
June 20 - Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf - review of Infinity / giveaway
June 21 - Deal Sharing Aunt - review of Infinity / giveaway
June 22 - Books, Dreams, Life - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
June 26 - Nighttime Reading Center - review of Horizon / giveaway
June 27 - Crossroad Reviews - review of Horizon
June 28 - Baker Kella - review of Horizon / author interview / giveaway
June 29 - Baker Kella - review of Infinity / giveaway
June 30 - Svetlana's Reads and Views - review of Horizon
July 3   - Book review nature photos and everything in between - review of Infinity
July 4   - Sharing Stories - review of Horizon
July 4   - Books for Books - review of Horizon
July 5   - Lukten av trykksverte - review of Horizon / giveaway
July 6   - JBronder Book Reviews - review of Horizon / guest post
July 7   - JBronder Book Reviews - review of Infinity
July 7   - A Book Geek - review of Horizon
July 10 - Nighttime Reading Center - review of Infinity / giveaway
July 11 - Books for Books - review of Infinity
July 11 - Crossroad Reviews - review of Infinity
July 12 - Lukten av trykksverte - review of Infinity / giveaway
July 13 - A Book Geek - review of Infinity
July 13 - Reviews in the City - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
July 14 - Sharing Stories - review of Infinity
July 14 - Svetlana's Reads and Views - review of Infinity

Enter the Giveaway!
Ends July 22

Monday, July 10, 2017

Lost and Found Sisters Spotlight Tour

Lost and Found Sisters by Jill Shalvis
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
**on sale June 20, 2017**

Readers are endlessly fascinated by female relationships, especially the loving and chaotic (yet relatable) ones between sisters. And with her first ever women’s fiction novel, LOST AND FOUND SISTERS (ISBN: 9780062448118; $14.99; on sale 6/20), Jill Shalvis has crafted an unforgettable story of friendship, love, sisterhood, and the bonds of family (by blood or by choice). It’s a must-read for anyone who has a sister or wishes they had a sister, and perfect for fans of Colleen Hoover, Robyn Carr, and Susan Mallery.

Tapping into the power of community and exploring sibling bonds, mother-daughter relationships, and grappling with themes of identity, Shalvis packs an emotional punch within the pages of LOST AND FOUND SISTERS. Shalvis—a rockstar in the traditional romance genre—has been catapulted into “auto-buy” territory by her legions of fans (125K+ across social media and counting) by writing small town stories featuring quirky characters and snappy dialogue. And with this branch out into women’s fiction, LOST AND FOUND SISTERS is poised to not only bring in scores of new readers, but to be her breakout book!

After losing her sister in a devastating car accident, chef Quinn Weller is finally getting her life back on track. She appears to have it all: a loving family, a dream job in one of L.A.'s hottest eateries, and a gorgeous boyfriend dying to slip an engagement ring on her finger. So why does she feel so empty, like she's looking for a missing piece she can't find?

The answer comes when a lawyer tracks down Quinn and reveals a bombshell secret and a mysterious inheritance that only she can claim. This shocking revelation washes over Quinn like a tidal wave. Her whole life has been a lie. On impulse, Quinn gives up her job, home, and boyfriend. She heads up the coast to the small hometown of Wildstone, California, which is just a few hours north, but feels worlds apart from Los Angeles.

As Quinn settles into Wildstone, she discovers there's another surprise in store for her. The inheritance isn't a house or money, but rather something earthshattering, something that will make her question everything she thought she knew about herself, about her family. Now with a world of possibilities opening up to Quinn, she must decide if this new life is the one she was always meant to have—and the one that could finally give her the fulfillment she's searched so long for.

With her signature humor, heart and heat, LOST AND FOUND SISTERS is the perfect book to toss in your beach tote, read pool side during Fourth of July festivities, or even escape with during that long Labor Day weekend road trip.

About the Author:
New York Times bestselling author JILL SHALVIS lives in a small town in the Sierras full of quirky characters. Any resemblance to the quirky characters in her books is, um, mostly coincidental. Look for Jill’s bestselling, award-winning books wherever romances are sold and visit her website for a complete book list and daily blog detailing her city-girl-living-in-the-mountains adventures.

Connect with Jill
Facebook: @JillShalvis
Twitter: @JillShalvis

Barnes & Noble:

On Sale: June 20, 2017
William Morrow Trade Paperback Original ISBN: 9780062448118
Pages: 400 | Price: $14.99
Also available in eBook: ISBN: 9780062448125 | $7.99
And downloadable audio: ISBN: 9780062680648 | $24.99

Friday, July 7, 2017

Horizon blog tour and review

Book Details:

Book Title: Horizon by Tabitha Lord
Category: Adult Fiction, 314 pages
Genre: Science Fiction, Space Opera
Publisher: Wise Ink Creative Publishing
Release date: December 2015
Tour dates: May 22 to July 14, 2017
Content Rating: PG-13 + M (There are a few, moderately explicit sex scenes, genocide, rape, and moderate language.)

Book Description:

Caeli Crys isn’t living—she’s surviving. On the run after the genocide of her empathic people, she witnesses a spaceship crash near her hidden camp. When she feels the injured pilot suffering from miles away, she can’t help but risk discovery to save his life.

Commander Derek Markham awakens stranded on an uncharted planet. His co-pilot is dead, his ship is in ruins, and he’s only alive because a beautiful young woman is healing him with her mind.

As Derek recovers, Caeli shares the horror of her past and her fear for the future. When Derek’s command ship, Horizon, sends rescue, Derek convinces Caeli to leave with him. But his world is as treacherous as hers—full of spies, interplanetary terrorist plots, and political intrigue. Soon the Horizon team is racing to defend an outlying planet from a deadly enemy, and Caeli’s unique skills may just give them the edge they need to save it.

Buy the Book: 

My Take:

The premise of Horizon is not like anything I have read in a long time. I've given science fiction a break for a while and Horizon sounded like a good choice to get back into the genre. When I first started reading Horizon, I was just checking to see if I would like the book or if it would be a long slog. Well, the next thing I knew, I was finishing the book the very same day.  Needless to say, the book held my attention!

I think my favorite thing about Horizon was the world building. Tabitha Lord does a great job of pulling the reader into this new and turbulent world from the first page. I was curious and intrigued by both the character of Caeli and the civilization she is a part of. The two factions on her world are unique and quite interesting to read about. I found myself so immersed in this world that I continued to think about if after I had finished reading the book. 

Caeli's empathic abilities present some intriguing possibilities, responsibilities and a certain amount of risk. The ethical issues presented by the abilities of Caeli's people are worth considering and do present some interesting  dilemmas. Lord does present the issues and the stark differences between the way each group deals with not only the abilities and the way they may benefit society, but also the ways the abilities could be used unethically. 

I think the reason Horizon appealed to me so much is because Lord presents a complex and troubled world with two groups of people with much the same goals - safety for their people, thriving economy, health and security -- they just have different ideas about how to attain these goals. There is so much to ponder while reading this imaginative and exciting novel. Tabitha Lord manages to create a brand new world to explore and try to understand, but at the same time, shows that despite the distance in time and space, people are remarkably similar. 

I really enjoyed Horizon and couldn't wait to read the next book in the series. This is definitely a book I will recommend to my sci-fi reading friends.

Meet the Author:

Tabitha currently lives in Rhode Island. She is married, has four great kids, two spoiled cats, and lovable lab mix. Her degree is in Classics from College of the Holy Cross and she taught Latin for years at an independent Waldorf school, where she now serves on the Board of Trustees.

Tabitha’s debut novel, Horizon, won the Writer’s Digest Grand Prize for Self-Published Fiction in 2016, and was named finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards and National Indie Excellence Awards. Infinity, the second book in the Horizon series, will be released in June 2017. Her short story “Homecoming” appears in the anthology Sirens, edited by Rhonda Parrish and published by World Weaver Press, and was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She is also a senior editor for

Visit her blog at where she discusses favorite topics including parenting, teaching, and her writing journey.

Connect with Tabitha: Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Pinterest ~ Instagram


May 22 - Working Mommy Journal - review of Horizon / giveaway
May 22 - To Be Read - review of Horizon
May 23 - Working Mommy Journal - review of Infinity / giveaway
May 24 - 411 on Books, Authors and Publishing News - spotlight / guest post/giveaway
May 25 - Bound 4 Escape - review of Horizon / giveaway
May 26 - Cheryl' Book Nook - review of Horizon / author interview / giveaway
May 29 - Book review nature photos and everything in between - review of Horizon
May 30 - Library of Clean Reads - review of Horizon / giveaway
May 31 - Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf - review of Horizon / giveaway
May 31 - Lisa Loves Literature - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
June 1   - A Mama's Corner of the World - review on Horizon
June 2   - A Mama's Corner of the World - review on Infinity
June 5   - Haddie's Haven - review of Horizon / guest post / giveaway
June 6   - The Autistic Gamer - review of Horizon
June 7   - The Autistic Gamer - review of Infinity
June 8   - Library of Clean Reads - review of Horizon / giveaway
June 9   - Cheryl' Book Nook - review of Infinity / giveaway
June 12 - To Be Read - review of Infinity
June 12 - Deal Sharing Aunt - review of Horizon / giveaway
June 13 - Haddie's Haven - review of Infinity / giveaway
June 14 - Mystery Suspense Reviews - review of Horizon
June 15 - Bound 4 Escape - review of Infinity / giveaway
June 16 - 100 Pages A Day - review of Horizon / guest post / giveaway
June 19 - Elsie's Audiobook Digest - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
June 20 - Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf - review of Infinity / giveaway
June 21 - Deal Sharing Aunt - review of Infinity / giveaway
June 22 - Books, Dreams, Life - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
June 26 - Nighttime Reading Center - review of Horizon / giveaway
June 27 - Crossroad Reviews - review of Horizon
June 28 - Baker Kella - review of Horizon / author interview / giveaway
June 29 - Baker Kella - review of Infinity / giveaway
June 30 - Svetlana's Reads and Views - review of Horizon
July 3   - Book review nature photos and everything in between - review of Infinity
July 4   - Sharing Stories - review of Horizon
July 4   - Books for Books - review of Horizon
July 5   - Lukten av trykksverte - review of Horizon / giveaway
July 6   - JBronder Book Reviews - review of Horizon / guest post
July 7   - JBronder Book Reviews - review of Infinity
July 7   - A Book Geek - review of Horizon
July 10 - Nighttime Reading Center - review of Infinity / giveaway
July 11 - Books for Books - review of Infinity
July 11 - Crossroad Reviews - review of Infinity
July 12 - Lukten av trykksverte - review of Infinity / giveaway
July 13 - A Book Geek - review of Infinity
July 13 - Reviews in the City - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
July 14 - Sharing Stories - review of Infinity
July 14 - Svetlana's Reads and Views - review of Infinity

Enter the Giveaway!
Ends July 22

A Man of Honor Blog Tour and Review

  A Man of Honor, or Horatio's Confessions by J.A. Nelson Publication Date: December 9, 2019 Quill Point Press Paperback, eBook & ...