Sewing Can Be Dangerous and Other Small Threads by S.R. Mallery
Publication Date: December 16, 2013
Mockingbird Lane PressFormats: eBook, Paperback, Audio Book
Pages: 276
Genre: Historical Fiction/Short Stories
Source: Publisher via Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for an honest review
The eleven long short stories in Sewing Can Be Dangerous and Other Small Threads combine history, mystery, action and/or romance, and range from drug trafficking using Guatemalan hand-woven wallets, to an Antebellum U.S. slave using codes in her quilts as a message system to freedom; from an ex-journalist and her Hopi Indian maid solving a cold case together involving Katchina spirits, to a couple hiding Christian passports in a comforter in Nazi Germany; from a wedding quilt curse dating back to the Salem Witchcraft Trials, to a mystery involving a young seamstress in the infamous Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire; from a 1980's Romeo and Juliet romance between a rising Wall Street financial star and an eclectic fiber artist, to a Haight-Asbury love affair between a professor and a beautiful macrame artist gone horribly askew, just to name a few.
My Take:
Because I enjoyed the author's first novel, Unexpected Gifts, so much, I was excited for the opportunity to read the short story collection, Sewing Can Be Dangerous and Other Small Threads. As with any short story collection, some of the stories resonated with me more than others, but overall, I enjoyed the whole collection very much.
The aspect of this collection that I really connected with was that all the stories deal with sewing, quilting or textile arts in general - but most often, with quilting. I am not a quilter, but my grandmother was and I have so many fond memories of watching her work on quilts and then seeing the final result of all that work. I think my all favorite stories were actually the ones that involved quilts.
I loved the story involving the young deaf slave girl who makes beautiful quilts and uses her skills to help other slaves escape. This story was touching and a bit suspenseful, but ultimately, satisfying. The other story that really stuck with me was the one involving the Salem Witch Trials and a curse and a surprisingly powerful quilt. I could list a few more that I really loved, but I think the point has been made. The stories are very memorable.
I also appreciated that many of the stories involve a female protagonist who is creative, smart, and ambitious. In some of the stories, the women use their sewing skills to better themselves or the situations of others. In other stories, their sewing skills are just a talent, but it is central to how they see themselves. Some of the stories are dark, some are humorous, but all of them are stories that make the reader pause and reflect.
I think the collection of stories in Sewing Can Be Dangerous and Other Small Threads will appeal to those who are interested in sewing and quilting, naturally, but I also think it will appeal to pretty much anyone since there is such a variety of genres included in the book. My favorite stories were mostly the historical ones, but I liked the modern detective story as well. I think Sewing Can Be Dangerous and Other Small Threads will be one of those books that I recommend often.
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Sewing Can Be Dangerous and Other Small Threads is now in AUDIO!!! Listen to narrator, Suzie Althens, breathe life and depth into these stories!
About the Author
S.R. Mallery has worn various hats in her life.
Unexpected Gifts, her debut novel, is currently available on Amazon. Sewing Can Be Dangerous and Other Small Threads, her collection of short stories, Jan. 2014, both books by Mockingbird Lane Press.
For more information please visit S.R. Mallery's website. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads.
Sewing Can Be Dangerous and Other Small Threads Blog Tour Schedule
Monday, December 1Review at Unshelfish
Tuesday, December 2
Review at Bibliotica
Wednesday, December 3
Review at History From a Woman's Perspective
Thursday, December 4
Spotlight & Giveaway at Teddy Rose Book Reviews and More
Friday, December 5
Guest Post at What Is That Book About
Interview at Dianne Ascroft Blog
Monday, December 8
Review at WV Stitcher
Tuesday, December 9
Review at 100 Pages a Day - Stephanie's Book Reviews
Guest Post & Giveaway at Historical Fiction Connection
Wednesday, December 10
Review at A Book Geek
Thursday, December 11
Review at Book Nerd
Friday, December 12
Review at Based on a True Story
Monday, December 15
Review at CelticLady's Reviews
Tuesday, December 16
Review at Book Babe
Wednesday, December 17
Review at Just One More Chapter
Friday, December 19
Review at Book Drunkard

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